Girl Online
Revert to Classic Template
Wednesday 9 May 2012 • 4:13 pm • 0 comments

Hey hi ! Finally Ila buat tuto lagi setelah sekian lama tak buad. Hehe,ok jom tuto !

1. Dashboard > Design >Edit html

2. Korang scroll ke bawah sikit. Ada tak dia tulis " Revert to classic template" :120:

3. Haaa,ada kan? So,korang tekan benda tuh then dah tukar? Kosongkan kotak putih tu..

4. Then korang boleh pilih skin kat sini .. Cara nak dapatkannya,korang pilihlah skin apa korang suka.. Then,scroll ke bawah sikit ada nampak blogger main takk? Haaa,tekan tuh.. Pastu dia ada kluar yg kotak-kotak tu kan? Click je ok/save and open.. Lastly,lepas habis download tuh,dia ada kluar kotak2..Korang copylah semua kod-kod tuh..

# Jangan risau download dia xlama.. Korang preview dan editlah mana2 yang patut,ok?

Yeayy ! Classic template korang dah jadikk ! So,you guys dah boleh start guna classic template dah sekarang..


welcome to my humble abode! i literally sucks at expressing my emotion, that's why i decided to start a blog, to express everything i am feeling at the moment. i live for my pets and food. x


Template by x
Basecodes x
Other stuffs xxxxx

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